Showing posts with label secret. Show all posts
Showing posts with label secret. Show all posts

Monday, March 12, 2007

What Secret

Recent articles have started to surface regarding the 'power of positive thinking' life style and beliefs of people. Most of these have come about due to a book and subsequent new movie called "The Secret". It is a movie that some have described as "a movie so powerful that it can change the course of your life." There are those with an opinion of differing belief about living a more positive life.

The book itself teaches that the "principle explains that we create our own circumstances by the choices we make in life. And the choices we make are fueled by our thoughts—which means our thoughts are the most powerful things we have here on earth." The argument against the book is that it is simply a form of 'new-age' hucksterism.

I have a tend to agree with some of the arguments regarding the material. There seems to be a bit of 'over-commercialism' and 'marketing hype' going on. Heck, I myself tend to become a bit 'flowery' in my own writings but I try not to let it overshadow the basic message. I also don't agree completely with all of the teachings but I would allow you the time to read and judge for yourself. I believe there is a place to find common ground in its message.

This means striking a balance between both ends of the opinion scale. To take advice on the merits of common sense and reality. There are many things that I say in my own writings that are wrapped into the ideas contained in Rhonda Byrne's book (The Secret). She has a much bigger stage to speak from at this point but my own stage is available to those seeking something more as well. It is up to you, the reader, to choose the source which best speaks to you.

When you are searching for a change in life, being positive about your life is not a bad thing. It comes in all different shapes and forms. The basic principle for me is if you are a more positive and happier person regardless of present circumstance; others will be more apt to come into your world. A simple human truth is that we much prefer to be around happy people as opposed to cranky ones.

And in the bigger world, cranky people come in many different levels of success. The same way happy people do...successful or not we can learn from those we chose to be around. Opportunity will seem to gravitate towards happier people. The only reason I can surmise is that a happy person is more apt to see the opportunity as possibility. While the cranky person will find reason not to involve themselves.

As for 'The Secret' itself, is it really a secret? Not really but it is a pretty good title to capture the attention of millions of people. It is a good book that I do think you can learn lessons from for a better life. It can help you bring balance to the six spokes of your life. Learn from many different sources, for it is in the search of betterment of your life that reveal to you that which truly makes you happy.