"People are like stars... we all have our own special light that shines from within. Sometimes we find our light to be dim and we struggle to shine... but that is when we need the light shed from the other stars to help us light our path once again. A true light that comes from within, from our divine Maker is so brilliant that it penetrates into the souls of the other stars onto which it shines, leaving it's impression for eternity. Are you shining for someone today?" - Unknown
"That's all a man can hope for during his lifetime - to set an example - and when he is dead, to be an inspiration for history." ~William McKinley
Each of us in some form or manner want to leave some relic of our existence when we leave this earth. There are some that may say it does not matter; that they have no need for people to remember whom they were or what they did. But each of us do leave a mark on time, large or small, and either good or bad upon the memories of people.
Those memories of what you did in life may seem meaningless. We get trapped into thinking that our "15 minutes of fame" that was famously coined by Andy Warhol, is all that we will ever get. The fame we think is the only one people get is either something grand or something notorious. That is not the case in most of our lives. It is said that a lighthouse does not have to fire a cannon to make its presence known. The lighthouse only has to shine.
The same can be said for you when it comes to leaving your mark upon others. When you live your life in the best possible way, you lead and leave others with your example. And like the lighthouse, you shine brightly for those still traveling in the darkness trying to find their own way.
Your memory will serve as the light for others to live on in. That is how your life will live on with others. Live your life by example to others, the good and the bad but always with the intent of living the best way you can. In this way, others will be guided to their own best life.
"March on. Do not tarry. To go forward is to move toward perfection. March on, and fear not the thorns, or the sharp stones on life's path." ~Kahlil Gibran
If you could share something with the world, would you wait until it was perfect? Or would you get it out there even if the rough edges had yet to be smoothed over?
My brother-in-law's grandson has learned to sign pretty darn well while still only being 7 years old. His mother has been hearing impaired since birth if memory serves me correctly, so signing is a matter of everyday activity. It becomes natural over time, but learning both spoken language and sign language is a feat in itself.
So with the perfection of a seven year old boy, the video below is him signing the story of Noah's Ark.
The words being signed are as follows;
Hi, I will tell you a story about Noah's ark. God told Noah to build an ark and he said “Noah, I want you to build an ark”. His three sons helped him. He said “I want your family and animals safe. So that way move to a different country. So you can have a better life.” And when he was finished, he saw the animals coming.
So he opened the door, all the animals came into the ark. He put all the animals where they should be. His family packed everything. And when he was going in water, God said “Noah your family is safe, now you can go to a different country.” And he was going to a far away country with storms coming, rain and lightning, all over every where.
After the storm he was in a different country. God said “You have done a good job keeping your family safe.” He was happy that God said that. So he saw a colorful sky, he saw a rainbow in the sky. And that is all the story about Noah's ark.
My intent was to show you the innocent beauty of a child telling an age-old story. It was also my intent to give an example of someone moving forward with what they know. While not perfect or completely polished, a young child bravely shows what he can do to all that will watch.
Each of us need to move forward in our lives, unafraid that we may not be perfect. The polished edges are not yet apparent but only with movement can they be smoothed. A rock tumbler will do no good if it sits motionless. It is in the movement and tumbling of the rocks inside which accomplishes the polished finish. The same can be said of our lives. When we create movement and step out from being idle, only then will great things begin to happen.
Take the example of a young boy bravely stepping out to show the world his signing ability. He has started a movement in his life that will bring wonders to everyone around him. In return, the rough and tumble experiences will cause him to shine even more.