Showing posts with label snowstorm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snowstorm. Show all posts

Friday, January 22, 2016

Massive Blizzard

He who is best prepared can best serve his moment of inspiration.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge

The snow is coming and as predicted by Frankie, it will be a massive one for the east coast. Many will prepare and many will not. There will be misery but there will also be joy from the circumstances encountered by such a storm. The weather predictions may sound dire indeed, but what will each of those impacted do?

For now, preparation is the best course of action.

Preparing for the worst or preparing for the best in outcomes is your choice. But getting ourselves ready and doing some level of planning is always the best course. A sailor lost at sea does not simply bring his sails down and allow the current to drift him in circles. The sailor uses the stars and the wind to plan a direction on which to take course.

Preparation is the best course of action.

Try to prepare in everything that you do. Make plans before those plans have to be used. While not every plan works as planned, most do and the circumstance encountered will more easily be overcome. But it starts with planning before the snow storm begins. It begins with you.

Stay safe, stay warm and help others that may need the assistance. You just might make a new friend along the way.

And stay inspired my friends!