You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body." -C. S. Lewis
There is a wonderful National Geographic documentary regarding the human body. The shows takes you on a tour of what is both simple in elegance yet intricate in how it is achieved. Our body is quite amazing in how we are put together and operate.
Watching this show made me think of the resilience our body has to fight off infection, repair bones and recreate. The complexity of how we collect data (senses) and process it lightening quick can boggle the mind. And the mind itself is a wonder.
We take care of our bodies in order to keep it running well and as error free as we can. The body certainly has biological mechanisms inside that cause it to take care of itself. But the soul we have also wants to keep the body healthy and moving.
It is said that our bodies have a soul inside which provides guidance. I am of the belief that the soul has a body which gives it the ability to do great things. The word 'soul' was derived from the Greek word
ψυχή, pronounced IPA. It is a verb "to cool, to blow" and would refer to the vital breath our bodies need.
I am not smart enough to debate the whole body, soul and spirit question. It is just a matter for us to consider all three of them. All have purpose and all three need to be taken care of. Our spirit gives purpose to the soul which in turn gives purpose to the body.
While our physical body ages, it takes more care and effort to keep it in good shape. Our soul gives us reason to do so but the soul needs to be refreshed and kept alive as well. And in the grand scheme of these things, never forget that you are an amazing person.
Maybe the subject is a little too deep for thought at this moment, but just know that you can do amazing things. Your body will keep doing its thing which will give your soul time to accomplish even greater things. Yes, you are amazing.