Showing posts with label traditions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label traditions. Show all posts

Monday, December 28, 2015

New Year Traditions

Oh the places you'll go! There is fun to be done! There are points to be scored. There are games to be won. And the magical things you can do with that ball will make you the winning-est winner of all.” ― Dr. Seuss

How will you celebrate the new year?

Is there something you do that is completely different from others in celebrating. Maybe old family traditions or cultural celebrations that you have always "just done" because that is what you grew up with.

In Scotland, the holiday is called "Hogmanay", being one of their biggest holidays, surpassing even Christmas. The celebration is several days long and one of the traditions is to build balls from wire, paper and other flammable materials, light them on fire while swinging them round and round while walking through the streets.

Over in Romania, an old rural tradition regaining popularity, takes place with people dressing in elaborate bear costumes. These revelers then go from house to house all of the while dancing as a means to scare aware evil spirits on New Year's Eve.

You might even like a tradition that originated in Spain. As the clock rings twelve times for midnight, people eat a grape each time it rings. This custom should bring to you prosperity and good fortune in the new year. Others also believe it wards off evil spirits.

While in Italy, one custom is for people to start throwing pots, pans and old furniture from their windows at midnight. As the other customs are, this one is done as a symbolic way to reject the old in favor of the new. Doing so allows people to let go of negativity and make room in their lives for positive changes.

Traditions go on and on in many different ways.

So how will you celebrate the coming new year? Are your new year resolutions written down and ready for undertaking on January 1? Have you even thought about what a new year will bring into your life? More importantly, are you filled with positive anticipation?

Stay inspired my friends.