Showing posts with label vision. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vision. Show all posts
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Keep Moving Forward
"Every great work, every great accomplishment, has been brought into manifestation through holding to the vision, and often just before the big achievement comes apparent failure and discouragement." - Florence Scovel Shinn
Living without a vision for what you want to accomplish is similar to walking on a treadmill. You are constantly walking and running in one place. Even if you run faster, you remain in the same place.
The view of a wall in front of you remains the same.
With a vision for tomorrow and a positive attitude to accompany it, you can break loose from that same view. You can move out into a new world towards your goal. Your vision becomes more clear.
Create and hang on to your vision for something great in your life.
Walk forward on a path to achievement and leave the treadmill behind.
Stay inspired my friends.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Climbing Each Day
"I have learned that everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it." - Unknown
Everyday can seem like we are climbing a rock face. Pushing ourselves to get to the next rock ledge only to find another shear wall to climb again. We struggle and sometimes catch ourselves wondering if it is worth all of the effort.
Many will discontinue the climb.
These are the people who set up permanent residence on rock ledge, limiting the movement they can make in any direction. The rock ledge is small and doesn't provide much space to grow.
Many will climb back down.
They resign themselves to never see the amazing view of their dreams. The bottom seems safe and secure, but very little light reaches those areas. Your vision is confined to short distances, never to see the horizon.
But there are those who continue the climb.
Facing the daily grind and change in direction of the climb, difficulty is expected but also part of the adventure. These people know what awaits them. In fact the higher you get, you get greater glimpses of it. When we reach the top, we are rewarded with a view so wonderful and great.
The view lets you see other mountains to conquer, new dreams, new goals.
Continue each day to push onward and upward. There will be setbacks along the way, but the outcome will be fantastic. You have the abiity inside to complete the climb. Once you arrive at your dream, you will wonder why you ever doubted yourself.
Stay inspired my friends.
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Getting Out
"Every great work, every great accomplishment, has been brought into manifestation through holding to the vision, and often just before the big achievement comes apparent failure and discouragement." - Florence Scovel Shinn
Without a vision for what you want to accomplish in life, you will forever live life on a treadmill.
You will be constantly walking and running in place.
Even if you try to run faster, you remain in the same place.
With a vision for tomorrow and the attitude to accompany it, you can break loose.
You will move out into a new world and towards your vision.
Create and pursue your vision.
Walk or run on the path laid out before you and leave the treadmill behind.
Stay inspired my friends!
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Stick To It
“The best way out is always through.” ― Robert Frost
Today is about sticking to your belief and vision. The longer you stay on your journey, the more you will learn and begin to see the fruit of that experience. Persistence can be a difficult trait to endure. Many people want a better life but so many of those same people are not willing to 'pay the cost' to achieve it.
This cost is staying with the dream, making the changes and understanding that achievement can take a long time to occur. You make change and you measure success in both small and large steps.
But you keep your eye on the goal. You remain confident in your vision. You 'stick to' the journey.
Stay inspired my friends!
Wednesday, November 06, 2013
Stay Out of the Weeds
"Every great work, every great accomplishment, has been brought into manifestation through holding to the vision, and often just before the big achievement comes apparent failure and discouragement." - Florence Scovel Shinn
Out in the distance we have set in our mind a vision of what we want to accomplish in life. Some type of achievement or goal that weighs upon our hearts and minds. You can not necessarily see it with the natural eye, but you know it is out there.
So you set out on the path, fixated on what lay straight ahead of you.
The path is at first flat and spread wide in front of you.
Sure, you may encounter a few bumps and obstacles but you remain focused. The journey will and does become frustrating. The temptation arises in you to stray off the path in attempt to find an easy way around those obstacles. But doing so, you lose sight and end up out in the weeds, in a place where you never intended to be.
The path becomes lost, time is lost, experience lost, and vision of the goal is lost as you try to find your way back. You struggle even more to find your way back onto the path towards your dream.
Maybe those obstacles on your path are there for a reason.
Maybe they are there to let you learn and adjust your vision.
If the path were easy, everyone would be standing within reach at this very moment. Staying on the path is never easy and the terrain can become quite difficult. As you climb over and through, your vision will come into focus even more. The vision will become more focused as you overcome those things that stand in your way. The vision will still be there, firmly in front of you, waiting to be achieved.
Keep your vision in sight and stay upon your path. Overcome the obstacles and do not get lost in the weeds, far from the sight of your goals. Achieve what you seek.
Stay inspired my friends.
Tuesday, October 08, 2013
Developing a Vision
"Envisioning the end is enough to put the means in motion." - Dorothea Brande
Main Entry: vi·sion
Pronunciation: \ˈvi-zhən\
1 a: something seen in a dream, trance, or ecstasy ; especially : a supernatural appearance that conveys a revelation b: a thought, concept, or object formed by the imagination
2 a: the act or power of imagination b (1): mode of seeing or conceiving (2): unusual discernment or foresight, a person of vision c: direct mystical awareness of the supernatural usually in visible form.
3 a: the act or power of seeing : sight b: the special sense by which the qualities of an object (as color, luminosity, shape, and size) constituting its appearance are perceived through a process in which light rays entering the eye are transformed by the retina into electrical signals that are transmitted to the brain via the optic nerve.
Creating and having a vision is the most powerful way to keep your focus on what you really want in life. It keeps you motivated to achieve that goal. By taking the time to visualize the end result of a goal will provide you with a particular kind of clarity, inspiration and direction to achieve it. Many people will experience anxiety and frustration by not having this vision.
But how do you develop this vision?
Begin by knowing what you want either short term or long term. Just where is it that you see yourself one year from now and five years from now? Are you looking for greater wealth; are you looking for greater health? What is in that 'minds eye' picture of your life? And be specific about the details of what you want.
Now write it down because visions become clearer and more real when you physically place it on paper, which reinforces the memory. Take this paper and make copies; place them on your bedroom mirror, bathroom mirror, car dash and in all the places where it will serve to remind you.
Read if often so you can see yourself already in possession of that life. This well defined vision will help you focus; it creates a purpose and becomes a measurement for success.
Some steps to achieving your vision I've learned;
1) Believe you will become who you want to be. Believing in yourself is the first and most important.
2) Learn what to do after you believe you will become who you want to be. I've heard it said that it is like trying to go to "New York City", but you don't really believe "New York City" exists. How will you get to a place you don't think exists?
3) Think good thoughts, block out negativity. Your thoughts and beliefs can be very fragile.
4) Success is created from within. It does not come from a place or live outside of us. Once you believe you will be successful, it's just a matter of creating it.
Your vision can be reality. Step forward and grab hold of it.
Stay inspired my friends!
Friday, June 21, 2013
Your Level of Vision
"Realize that if you have time to whine and complain about something then you have the time to do something about it." -Anthony J. D'Angelo,
In life, all of us have complaints and concerns regarding various issues that occur around us. It may be the way that someone at work seems to rub you the wrong way. Or possibly at church you find that the "music is too loud." What about complaining of the next door neighbors that seem to always have a newer car than you?
Each of us will fall into this bad attitude trap at various times in our life. It will come to pass that you find your self in a state of perpetual complaining or yearning to have something beyond what you already have. Just consider what a friend of mine, Graham Fletcher, said, "the level of your complaint is the level of your vision."
If you complain about the situation, it is within that situation you will remain. Stop complaining and do something about it. You want that newer vehicle, then adjust your attitude and work towards having a new car. The music is too loud, then move to a different part of the church or find a church that is more suitable. One that you will be able to grow in, both in spirit and attitude. Maybe that person at work could use more cooperation from you or possibly mentoring. Doing so will increase your skills, the boss likes what you've done, possibly get a better pay raise next time. Then guess what, you just might be able to afford that new car to drive to church in.
Do not think that we can't complain in life. It is the idea that simply complaining and not doing anything about it that restricts you. One way to deal with it is to "see the answer and not the problem", get up and do something to correct the situation in order to achieve a greater life.
There is a lot of good out in the world and a lot of potential in each one of you.
Move to make change and leave your complaints behind. Reach out for a greater vision that is obtainable by choosing not to hold onto complaints. Do it today for now is the time.
Stay inspired my friends.
Friday, April 26, 2013
Raise the BAR
"No one determines vision for you; vision is yours to see, believe in and grab hold of." -Me
This morning I had the opportunity to speak at a business breakfast called Pathfinders. I was invited to talk about "Raising the BAR" in your personal and business life. If you have not heard about it, check back next week to this blog as I talk more about it. In fact I will be putting out an eBook - free for a limited time - that you can get by subscribing to my blog.
Getting up and speaking to the folks this morning was an absolute joy. After the meeting, I was able to talk to some of the attendees and found their stories amazing. You see each of us has a story to tell or experience to share. Every one of those stories can provide us with a new idea, a new way or new hope that we can overcome any obstacle in our life.
The BAR gets set in your life that must be cleared before the next one is attempted. So each time we accomplish one thing, the BAR lifts higher. Staying connected, networking with other people, being strong in belief of your vision will give you the ability to get over any BAR that is set in your life.
Raise the B-elief A-ction R-ealization of expectation in your life and stay inspired my friends.
Wednesday, April 03, 2013
Clarity of Vision
Flint Castle, North Wales
"Clarity affords focus." -Thomas Leonard
Joseph Mallord William Turner, was born in Covent Garden, London on April 23, 1775 and died December 19, 1851. Turner was an English Romantic landscape artist, whose style is said to have laid the foundation for Impressionism.
It is in this painting I see the sun coming up on a new day. The ships are not quite ready to set sail because not all is in focus just yet.
Your dreams or visions are just that, dreams and visions that are not yet in focus.
Now is the time to start wiping the sleep from your eyes and finding clarity. By stepping forward, by beginning your movement forward, the picture will start to become more clear. It will gain clarity and allow you to set sail.
Stay inspired my friends.
Friday, February 15, 2013
To Reach the Stars
"This journey has always been about reaching your own other shore no matter what it is, and that dream continues." -Diana Nyad
I have been asked why dream or plan for the future? The world could end tomorrow and if I am not living in the present, what will it have all been for? These people cite events such as the most recent meteorite strike in Russia as an example. While the scientists say these meteroites are not connected with the near earth asteroid fly-by of DA14, four hundred people did die according to news sources.
A small asteroid such as the one today only happen once every 1200 years. Yes, if it hit the New York city, it would wipe out all of it including a good share of the suburbs. But your chances of getting hit are very low. According to an article in The Guardian, the odds are;
- Earth has a surface area of 500,000,000 sq km (196,939,900 sq mi).
- Assuming meteorites can hit anywhere, one in 20,000,000,000,000 chance exists.
Assuming a random landing place is around a one in 20,000,000,000,000 chance of being hit, whic is the same chance as flipping a coin 44 times in a row and it coming up heads every time. Or slightly better than the chance of winning the lottery twice in a row.
- Assume that an individual person takes up the space of 1 sq metre (1.2 sq yd).
- There are roughly 6,700,000,000 people on Earth
- Chance of being hit is 6,700,000,000 / 20,000,000,000,000, or one in 3,000.
That back of the envelope calculation is close to NASA's quoted figure of one in 3,200. So again, why dream or develop a vision for your life? The reason we plan for the future is that the future will come about whether or not you want it to. Where you are today is not where you will be tomorrow, next week, next month, year or ten years from now. You can not keep life from changing around you.
That leisure suit may have been the thing for the moment way back when, but life has moved on. People change, people dream, people move forward to better things in life. You can certainly sit around in that old suit, waiting for a meteorite to hit that spot on planet earth. Or you can develop a dream, a vision that will pull you forward to greater things in life.
While a shooting star creates a brilliant light, it only lasts a few seconds. The real brilliance is in reaching for the stars. Stay inspired my friends.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Start Now
“What is not started today is never finished tomorrow.” -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
At the start of a new year, many people like to make resolutions. They decide that January 1st is the best time to start on a path to accomplish some particular task or goal in their lives. It could be a goal to lose weight, exercise more or eat better on a daily basis. Others may decide to quit smoking, drinking or try to simply moderate any excesses in their lives. Still others have financial, relationship, college and a host of other goals.
Whatever type of vision or dream you might have, what are you waiting for?
You are probably telling yourself that January 1st is nearly a month behind us. You could be saying internally, "I'll plan during the year and get a start on things next January 1st." The problem with this thinking is that it will never happen. Unless you push the start button now and start moving, year after year you will keep repeating the same thing. You will never advance from that worn spot on the carpet where you pace, constanly planning but never doing.
Anything you decide to do in the new year can not be accomplished if you do not begin moving towards it today. And guess what? There is nothing magical about January 1st. Yes, you read that correctly. January 1st is a date on a calendar, a moment in time. What that means is that you can start now, today, this hour, this minute.
There is no special alignment of the stars.
There is no perfect economy.
There is no fool-proof business model.
There is only YOU and this moment in time.
Stay inspired my friends!
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Dreams Become Real
"Vision, it reaches beyond the thing that is, into the conception of what can be. Imagination gives you the picture. Vision gives you the impulse to make the picture your own." -Robert Collier
As you dream at night when nothing else can interfere and in some cases these dreams can be remembered during your waking hours. Some of these dreams are horrible or confusing with no meaning to be found. Others are of a yearning, a vision, that you want for your future. But dreams are only an undefined mound of wet clay, waiting for you to form it.
As you begin to take hold of your dreams, trying to remember the details, it is your imagination that will start to mold the dream. You will mold the clay into something that only you can create. It may change from what you first dreamed, but it will start to take shape and become a clear thing for your life.
As your dream becomes more real, you have to apply vision in order to move towards the dream as a tangible part of your life. It prods you to walk through the open door and begin a journey. A trip that begins with movement.
Allow yourself to dream big things and let vision push you towards it. Go beyond what currently surrounds you. There is a large life out there waiting for you.
And stay inspired my friends.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Change Happens
“Vision without action is a dream. Action without vision is simply passing the time. Action with Vision is making a positive difference.” -Joel Barker
So here we go again. It is something I have seen so many times in my career. It is inevitable in my life and in your life. What I am referring to is change. It could be a change of scenery or change of plans. Some would call it a change of direction while others would simply say change happens; a nice way of saying 's**t happens' in a raw way of speaking.
Change can be a saddening event, but it does happen. Change happens in business. When the vision is lost or there is a lack of vision, action has to occur which means change. The same is true in your everyday life as you try to move forward and achieve your best life.
"There is nothing wrong with change, if it is in the right direction." -Winston Churchill
There was great vision in the beginning. There was great action in the beginning. There was great accomplishment through out the process. It was then picked apart and marginalized by those who didn't understand the vision. In the end, for those that dreamed the potential and built that vision into reality knew it had to end.
Some things just run their course and the same thing can happen with your own visions. You dream the impossible and believe it can happen. So you put those dreams into action and build a great and wonderful thing in your life. Others will come along, either through jealousy of your success or in an attempt to take that vision from you. You fight to hold onto your vision but life and circumstance can get in the way.
And if those circumstances fall out of favor with your vision, the vision will either die or be placed upon a treadmill, going nowhere. You run and run each day, keeping the heart pounding strong but always in one place. It is at this point you must make a decision to find new vision for your life.
"First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination." -Napoleon Hill
What you do is dream of new possibility, new vision and move on from the old. You organize those visions and begin to move, you take action in the belief that those visions will become reality. The future always holds possibility which means you have new possibility when those old dreams run their course.
Never forget that a change of scenery, a change of plans, or change of direction will occur; change happens. You are going to realize some of those dreams this year. So grab a new vision for your life if you have to and make this a great 2012 year.
Tuesday, August 02, 2011
Your Vision
I really like the sardonic humor of the good folks at They have a fun way of looking at motivation from a totally unexpected view. Whenever I think I'm getting a bit too full of myself, I turn to these folks.
The idea of having a vision for your future is just that, a vision. If you want to have success but combine that vision with all of the things you believe will go wrong...they probably will. I sometimes think of it as getting what you ask for.
If I want to be a speaker in front of hundreds of people, but keep telling myself I can't do it. It is likely that it will never happen for me.
If I want to have a great wife and family, but keep telling myself that no woman would ever want me. It is likely I will never meet a woman that does.
The way we speak into our own lives has a huge impact on what we can accomplish. Does it mean that if I ask for ten million dollars in my life, will I get it? Maybe yes, maybe no; but it will put you on a path to towards it.
I think of the story the actor/comedian Jim Carrey tells says quite a bit about the power of believing in oneself. Jim appeared on the Actors Studio with James Lipton and was asked about writing a 10 million dollar check to himself:
JL- When you were struggling personally and professionally, did you write yourself a check?
JC- Yeah, I made myself my check which was just basically you know, 10 million dollars to Jim Carrey for acting services rendered, dated Thanksgiving 1995, and that was uh, 1990. I gave myself five years to be one of the most successful working actors, to be given the best material, and the best scripts- things that people would never expect in a million years that I could do.
JL- What did you do with the check finally?
JC- I put the check in my fathers pocket in his casket because it was his dream too and he followed me the whole time and it was kind of a completion of all that. He saw The Mask, he saw what was happening to me, and I felt like it was ya know, it was his as well- so I’d give it to him.
Jim was able to write that check and would have been able to cash it. But if he hadn't believed in himself, he never would have come close. The check would have been worthless.
The only way you will ever get to that place is believing in yourself. Know that you can be that person, achieve that thing or reach that place in life by believing in your vision.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Looking Back To Today
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." -Mark Twain
Recently a friend posted a few pictures of our college days on Facebook. He, myself and several other folks spent a couple of years together at Peru State College in Nebraska. A diverse lot of fellows that somehow seemed to put most differences aside and had a really great time.
Seeing the pictures started pulling on my strings of reminiscence. So off to the attic to pull out the worn pages and pictures of days gone by. Let me tell you it was a wonderful journey back in time. It was a view back that made me wonder how I had made it this far. It was also a view that explained exactly how I reached this wonderful point in life.
As I looked through the pages of old newspapers and pictures, I felt the ground beneath my feet. The path I was creating came from mistakes, success, boredom, shear terror and blind boldness. The cobblestones were laid out in front of me with friends and family. The journey was given to me by my faith.
It is easy to look at our life today and wonder if we made the right choices. It becomes easy to doubt what we did. But if you look back at the proving grounds of your past, you may find that life was simply teaching you how to live.
I remember the time shown in the picture above. We were young and ambitious College Student Activity Council kids. One of the hot regional bands was a group called Cricket. They had the greatest sound and energy one could expect and we had them for an early school year performance. An outdoor concert that requires all of the crazy logistics one could imagine. I'm not sure I even got to enjoy it and how a bunch of 19-year old kids pulled it off is beyond me.
So yes, you look back and wonder at how mad we were. But the mystery of whom we are now begins to disappear. We were simply trying to figure out our lives and learning about life along the way. Those experiences have brought us to where we are today. And I am happy for having gone through all of it.
It also excites me for what the next fifty years will bring. What will I look back to and see how the road was built. Will you look back and marvel at your own journey? Of course you will. Once you do, then look forward and envision the road you will take. That road is yours to take.
There is greatness to your life that makes all you have gone through well worth it. There is greatness to come in your life for you to pursue.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
"Give them pleasure - the same pleasure they have when they wake up from a nightmare.' -Alfred Hitchcock
There is a film maker I know by the name of David P. Baker. He is one of those passionate guys when it comes to making movies. Which is pretty much like you or me when it comes to doing what we love in life. For him its about making great movies which gives him his greatest pleasure.
Currently he is a long way from his home in Scotland. He has joined forces in Tulsa, Oklahoma with another passionate movie maker named Oklahoma Ward. Together with Nicole Alonso, the three are on an ambitious project to film two movies and a documentary about the whole process.
The first movie (currently being filmed) is called CRAWL. This is Oklahoma's movie and will certainly make a lot of heads turn.
The second movie will begin shooting after the completion of CRAWL is called SCREEN. This is David's and has been...well a lot of years in the making. All I can say is that after seeing this film, chances are you might be too scared to ever go to a drive-in movie theatre again....if you can find one.
Now to the point of my article. David is making this movie on what some would call a 'micro-budget'. There is no major studio backing him, nor is there a rich executive producer funding the whims of this director. No, David is pushing forward with this film in such a manner that will make it easier for others to follow in his foot steps.
So now you are asking, "what is the sales pitch?" I have been backing David for a couple of years now. Mainly I do this because he is a pretty decent guy, talented and most importantly passionate about what he does. I like that and with a few limited bucks, I try to help him out. If it helps give him that little added boost to keep him moving, then its worth it.
You can do the same thing, with just a few bucks. We all know times are tough and money is tight. But David could use your help with some additional expenses he has in the filming of SCREEN. My pitch is $10, $20, $50 or even more if you can. The goal is $5000 and he is part way there with roughly nine days to go. Take a chance, donate a few bucks and be part of something that is pretty cool.
And as Hitchcock said (paraphrased), "send a little pleasure ($$) David's way, the same pleasure he'd get when waking up from a nightmare."
Click on the picture below and it will take you to his campaign site. There you can see a video from David explaining things, some additional information and a place to donate.
Follow your passions folks, those dreams and goals you have are achievable. Surprisingly you will find others that share your vision and want to be a part in making it a success. And thanks for your donation to David's vision!
Friday, February 04, 2011
One Small Step
"Sometimes its the numerous little steps we take that move us further then the giant leap." ~Joseph Primm
We grab hold of a vision or dream in our life. The power of it becomes so strong that we fly out the door in pursuit of it. We run to the highest hill and scan the horizon in search for a direction. As we turn, far off in the distance, maybe to the north or possibly to the west, there it is.
Even though it looks so small, it feels as though we could reach out and touch it. Or with one large leap, we could step over the valley and stand right next to it. It is in the valley where the hard work, the setbacks and those naysayers await you. It is those things we may want to skip past.
So we stand there trying to figure out a way to reach our goal in one giant step. We may even try to make a running jump from the hilltop only to find that gravity (also known as life) takes over. You tumble down the hillside and find yourself not at all where you wanted to be.
You dust yourself off at this point. But don't head back up the hill to reconsider or try jumping again. Dust yourself off and just start walking towards the dream.
Reaching the dream requires that you live the journey; living each step along the way. The good and the bad will happen but each can thrill you and also weigh upon you. Each and every small step adds to your life while placing you closer to the dream.
With many small steps you will eventually find yourself standing next to what was once a dream. You will be standing next to the reality of your vision. You will be standing high upon a new and higher hill. From there you will be able to look back across the valley to where you once were.
And standing high upon this new hill, you will scan the horizon for your next dream. And from that high hill you will be able to see that next dream. And from that high hill you will begin putting those small steps together again.
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
The Vision of Mission X

"Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world." -Joel Barker
All of us have a vision in our minds. A goal or a dream of what or where we want to be in life. For some of us, the picture is still cloudy and developing. For others that picture is crystal clear.
Acknowledging the vision is a good start towards it. You must then study it to understand it more clearly. But once you have a hold of it, the power of that vision becomes stronger. It is that power which causes you to start moving towards the goal.
A 'friend' of mine, which is odd as we only know each other slightly through Twitter, is an independent film maker. I say odd because in some definitions, a friend is someone you know quite well. For us, we have a mutual liking, a friendly discourse of conversation and we both support the others efforts.
His Twitter name is @indiemoviemaker, but his real name is David Baker. An actor, writer, director and nice guy. As an independent film maker, that can not be an easy task. I have to catch myself in that I keep referring to him as a film maker. I would guess in the new technological age it is really movie making as film may be a thing of the past.
But to get back to my point, he has a vision of what he wants to accomplish in life. May that be great films, opening the way for hundreds of other independent film makers and maybe make a little bit of money along the way. He has a recent movie release called MISSION X. It is a movie about a documentary student who gets to interview a mercenary, then he gets to film a revenge attack. The trailer appears below.
The movie is great example of what one can do with limited resources, but a great idea and mind to complete it. David has so much more to do and offer. I don't know what his true vision is to accomplish in life, but he does have one.
And each of us have a vision hidden inside as well. And each of us have to develop that vision. It needs to become your "MISSION" in life to reach it. Find that piece of you that wants to do more. Then start moving towards it. The closer you get, the more clear it will become. Grab hold of your "mission" and pursue it with all of your heart.
To purchase this film, go to the MISSION X website. Well worth the money.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Vision Accomplished
"Every great work, every great accomplishment, has been brought into manifestation through holding to the vision, and often just before the big achievement comes apparent failure and discouragement." - Florence Scovel Shinn
Hold on to your dreams and visions through even the hardest times. You may simply be right around the corner from accomplishing that which you set out to do.
Friday, December 05, 2008
Reaching Dreams
I speak of creating a vision for your life. A goal that you can keep focused on and move towards. A friend of mine does that with her music. She is a singer and songwriter; doing what she loves and staying focused on her goals.
Recently she released a new Christmas album titled "Snowflakes, Prayers and Memories" that is a perfect early gift to listen to during this holiday season. It may seem like a 'shameless plug' for her efforts, but the efforts of others and building support of another persons dreams is a very good thing for each of us to do.
Have a listen: Snowflakes Prayers and Memories by Marjorie Whitley
Recently she released a new Christmas album titled "Snowflakes, Prayers and Memories" that is a perfect early gift to listen to during this holiday season. It may seem like a 'shameless plug' for her efforts, but the efforts of others and building support of another persons dreams is a very good thing for each of us to do.
Have a listen: Snowflakes Prayers and Memories by Marjorie Whitley
As you move through your own life, looking out towards a horizon upon which your vision awaits; know that there will be people entering your life to help. The people that come in and out of your life will have an impact. You have that ability to impact others, the lives of others that you move through. Share something with that person, help them along on their journey.
Tis the season and reaching out to others with love and support will do so much for them. What gets returned to you may seem imperceptible, but it is there.
Tis the season and reaching out to others with love and support will do so much for them. What gets returned to you may seem imperceptible, but it is there.
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