Thursday, September 29, 2005

Can I Get That Door For You?

"You will find, as you look back upon your life, that the moments that stand out are the moments when you have done things for others." - Henry Drummond (1851-1897)

Your day is filled with serving others and you may not even realize it. Allowing someone in line as you drive to work, opening the door for someone or simply doing your job. You help your spouse with the dishes, the kids with homework or a neighbor move a desk.

Most everything you do during the day entails serving (helping) others. And this elaborate intertwining of peoples lives means that you are served as well through out the day. What you receive in return is many times directly proportional to the level of servitude you extend to others.

It can be humbling to do so but you need to have confidence in yourself and a positive attitude that you can change other peoples lives throught small acts of kindness. That confidence is something I recently heard someone speak about. It struck a cord with me that you may find as well...but I'll leave that for next time.

So my final thought is that you serve even though you may not realize it. Serve with a joyful heart and with the knowledge that you will receive in kind the same. At times this may not happen...but most times it will. You have nothing to lose and all the world to gain. Can I get that door for you?

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