Friday, September 23, 2005

So what is the influence?

Continuing with the idea of you having a choice in how your attitude is effected...there are of course things that influence your thinking. Again from SUMO, the book examines four things that can influence you.

1. Your background influences your thinking.

If you were encouraged to keep trying regardless of outcome while growing up, you will be more likely to take chances as an adult. If you were always ridiculed when attempting things, you are probably one cautious person today. Remember this when you speak to your children.

2. Your previous experiences influence your thinking.

Pretty straight forward I would say. If someone walks in to your store and you happen to be in a short mood, they may very well leave remembering that above all else. Chances are very good that ten other people will hear of that experience.

3. The company you keep influences your thinking.

Hang around with people that always view the work place as a sweat shop, you will likely begin to view it the same. Being around people that can find the positive in working conditions will help you view things in a much better light. It doesn't mean not to associate with the dreary views because if you have a good attitude, you can influence those people as well.

4. The media influences your thinking.

Watch the Brady Bunch - for those now guessing how old I am - and you may begin to believe that family life should always be that way...perfect and with a maid to help out. Watch the news and you may believe the world is ready to self destruct. No, that's just life happening and people would rather watch a train wreck then news of a new art exhibit in town. Temper what it is you watch and read.

Be cognizant of the many things that can influence you. Use that knowledge to your own advantage. "Knowledge is the food of the soul." - Plato

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