Friday, November 25, 2005

Being Positive About Everything

In his book titled, 'You The Leader', Phil Pringle says that "...positive attitude is everything. It is vital to see the upside of everything." The book is about leadership and attitude from a theological view but has very relevant applications in the secular world. You can take learning from many different sources and this is one source I find very helpful.

So just how does one do this. We've seen the TV version of the wide-eyed, nothing ever bothers, nicer than thou characters. I basically worry about folks that are that way all of the time. In reality, we all have our down times but the trick is to understand the down time and adjust. To bring ourselves back up to a positive -not ridiculous - level.

By being positive about anything and everything becomes the key to being able to spot opportunity. Being positive about anything and everything becomes a key to being able to brighten the lives of others around you. When you work on your inner self and bring about a positive attitude, then you see more clearly. You see the opportunity that was always there.

A poor attitude blinds us to things that can benefit us. Think of a poor attitude as sitting in darkness. Difficult to see that which is within reach...but I'll talk more about that tomorrow.

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