Sunday, November 06, 2005

A Fight Of Faith In Your Attitude

The act of making a change in your life becomes a fight of your faith. When you decide to step out everything will change. What do you do when others try to put up road blocks of criticism or negativity of what you are trying to accomplish. You stand firm, you keep your faith in what you know is the right thing.

Many people choose to simply stay on the sideline and watch life go by. You have to be the type of person that wants to engage. The type of person to come off the sidelines and enter the game of life. I've watched many a football game in my life and become amused at those that are always on the sidelines.

Think of an aggressive play that ends up out of bounds. The offensive player makes a long play and is tackled out of bounds by the defensive player. Always you'll have a sideline sitter (in this case the defense) talking trash to the offensive player who was just tackled. It is easy to be loud and vocal when you have no stake in the actual play. Put those words and ideas to use - come into the game of life and make a difference.

When you come out though...remember there will be a fight. Be prepared for it because it will be easy at first. But be assured that there will be those that wish to bring you down, that will try to turn your good work to into something bad. Stick to your belief, stay to your faith, remain positive through out. You will succeed, you will come through in the final analysis.

"Always there will be, along the sidelines of life, inferior souls who throw mud at those whose attainments they do not quite understand. The man who really accomplishes doesn't pay attention to such detractors. If he did, he'd be on their level. He keeps an eye singled on the higher goal--and the mud never touches him." - Jerome P. Fleishman (The Forbes Book of Business Quotations)

Be a player in the game of life - come out onto the field of play and make a change.

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