Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Life Is Not Perfect - Get Over It

It has been a few days since my last post and I apologize to all. When on the road my days become greatly filled with activity. Finding the opportunity to sit down and write can be difficult. Being on the road itself can be difficult. I am currently handling a customer situation and all aspects of the situation have to be considered.

A friend, Dean Sweetman said "life is run by imperfect people. You will get offended at some point. So get your own 'stuff' dealt with. It will prepare you to handle this imperfect life." This statement is so true. You will run into things that may frustrate or cause your plans to go a different direction.

How you handle these situations or events is greatly impacted by how you have handled your own 'baggage'. We all have it and we need to figure it out first before we can successfully handle issues outside of our own. The primary thing that effects this will be our own attitude. A great quote from Phil Pringle is, "the problem is never the problem. The real problem is our attitude toward it."

Life isn't perfect and neither are we. But strive for excellence in your own attitude and life. It will equip you for the bigger and more imperfect world around us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your attitude has such a huge impact on your life, as you state daily in this Blog. If we want to improve our attitude we need to keep feeding our soul with positive things, like reading this blog, and by creating new images and visions in our head of how life is positive. Since we tend to do thing habitually, it takes practice to make new habits.