Monday, November 21, 2005

Motivate Yourself Into Greatness

When you decide to go beyond the expected, you come to the realization that to do so it takes self motivation. A realization that you need to have your own attitudes in order which will allow you to go beyond the expected. The great thing about it is that you can do it. The power to have a great attitude and turn that into great service to others in within all of us.

You wonder, wait a minute, I'm not in customer service. Some articles back I talked about our lives actually being a series of opportunities to serve others. Mahatma Gandhi said, "the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." You do many little things each day that is in service to others.

Once you motivate yourself, you work to motivate others. It takes work at first, but it eventually comes naturally. You keep moving yourself towards this goal. Taking on motivating others will increase your own motivation. Its an aspect that when you do good for others, it generates a natural good feeling within yourself. That can be very motivating for you and do wonders for your own attitude.

It will feed upon itself much like negativity can feed upon itself. Negativity is much more destructive and is much easier to achieve. This is why having a great attitude and the ability to motivate others isn't easy. Negativity is all of those rocks in your wagon.

But once you get a positive vibe moving, it begins to pick up speed and feed upon itself. It begins to build and grow, blocking out the negative things from having as large of an effect. Pretty soon great things start happening to you and those around you. Consider yourself on a road to better and brighter things.

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