Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Lessons In Life Through Tragedy

Pablito - Gabrielle - Nicia - Pablo

At times I like to use this forum to help others in times of need. Doing so usually means that something sad has occurred. It is hopefully offset by my other words of inspiration. So please understand that not only can we learn from tragedy, but can help others during these times of heart break.

Members of our church were involved in a traffic accident on Christmas Eve. A suspected drunk driver ran a stop light, killing the family's 9-year old son. Pablito Medrano had a smile like many other young boys. A smile that he will now share with others gone before him.

Why do I write of this? To serve a reminder of the effects of drunk driving on others. Not to preach against the 'sins of drink' but to say that the choices YOU make can effect OTHERS. These choices can have a positive effect while others can have tragic effects.

What can you do? First, you can read the news article as reference to what I've stated here. It appeared in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Second, there is more to the story. The folks impacted are Nicia and Pablo Medrano, members of my church - Christian City Church ( Additionally, Pablito's mother, Karla Navarro is most certainly grief stricken by this news.

Pablo's son, Pablito was in a coma for a few days but unfortunately died. The father Pablo, has internal bruising & Nicia has a broken leg. Their baby daughter Gabrielle is OK. Nicia has said each day gets a little easier. Pablo’s place of employment has kindly given him extra time off, but we assume that is without pay. Nicia is pretty much bedridden but is happy to be back in her own home again. To add to this story, an aunt who had come into town for the funeral and to help take care of baby Gabrielle, was on her way home. She got ten minutes down the road before someone ran a red light and slammed into HER car! She was rushed to hospital for emergency surgery and will be there for a week.

Third and lastly, what things can you do if you wish.
1. Pray for the family; for a quick recovery, for comfort, for strength.
2. We are coordinating through my church the following effort.
  • help at their home with the baby
  • meals brought to their home
  • financial help

As this is a weblog, locally the church is working to get help at their home, with the meals and with financial help. But some of the things you can do you know any businesses in the Atlanta area that could help with meals or food items. You could make some contacts if you do. Also, financial support always helps and is greatly appreciated.

If you would like to help in some fashion, please contact Penni by means of email at our church:

As does life, death teaches us lessons about what we can do for others.

"God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way." - Unknown Author

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