Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Being One Of Trust

Socrates said, "the first key to greatness is to be in reality what we appear to be." Is that not something that each of wants in other people? That they be as they really are. As part of human nature, we want to believe in others around us. But to do so, you must trust in what is revealed to you. All of us start out at a distance, with skepticism for what another person may be saying.

Think of your first date, of that first business meeting or even people you meet in everyday life. The tendency is to remain guarded to information given. It causes us to evaluate the words, the actions and the nuances of your meeting. Not until you have satisfied your own mind will you give your trust to another.

There are those that give trust easily and without condition. There are those that are difficult to gain trust from. There are different tones and variations of trust when it comes to people. The reasons vary from one end of the spectrum to the other. It isn't until we are able to know that person will we ever know why. So, “the best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them" is how Ernest Hemingway put it.

Now look at yourself, look at your own ability to open up to others. Are you difficult to know as a person, do you allow yourself to be known? In the simplest way I know how to say it, we will all get 'burned' once in a while. But you shouldn't spend life closed to everything that is out there. All of this is done with the intelligience and education that life has to offer. We do not do this blindly but with the knowledge gained by various means. There will be the good, the not so good and all that happens in life.

If you learn how to open up, life will open up to you. To close yourself to others would appear to me that you've chosen to simply wait out life. Waiting for life to end and 'please just let me get get through it without experiencing it.' I've known people who have chosen not to engage. Life slides by them like the odd flower along the road. A flower that will never have its sweet smell enjoyed by others. Never to multiply as it sits alone. Only the occassional bee to extract a bit of the flowers essence because all of us do leave an impression in life.

Open yourself to the possibilities in life by being who you really are. Just be a part of life on a continual basis and live life like a great flower among many in the rose bed.

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