Monday, March 27, 2006

Prepare Yourself For Greatness

There are points in your life where you make decisions to do or not to do something for your fellow human. The opportunity to bring a small amount of goodness to someones life can happen almost daily. But doing something big requires greatness of heart.

The days will pass as you develop a positive attitude, doing the small things. Such as letting that person merge into your lane on the freeway or holding a door open for someone. Each little thing that you do builds your character and is preparing you for larger moments.

Every time I write an article, I am reinforcing to myself and hopefully to you that greatness does not happen over night. There are those that inherit millions of dollars in one fell swoop but it does not make them great. There are those get voted into power as President but that alone does not make them great. And there are those that become widely popular through the entertainment business and again, that does not make them great.

What makes a person great is the additive course of their life which brings them to that moment in life and what they do with that moment. You don't have to be those things mentioned above, you only have to exhibit greatness when your moment arrives. It isn't a test, it isn't something you really even plan for. Yet preparing yourself by doing the small things will adequately set you up to make the right choices, to take yourself to greatness.

You see, as you do the little things in life..holding the door, serving others and bringing a positive moment to their life is preparing you. It eventually becomes natural and is done with out a second just occurs. Then that moment arrives and you may not even realize it is there. Someone needs a medical transplant, someone needs a lift in life, someone needs you to be there for just do it.

People who give of themselves, not foolishly but with a giving heart, are those that become great. Leaders of countries, entertainment figures, the person next door and you can all be great people. But it starts with developing a positive life style...being willing to make other peoples lives better. In turn, it will make your life better.

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