Sunday, May 21, 2006

Da Vinci Code Attitude

This weekend I went to the movies to see 'The DaVinci Code" and see what the fuss was all about. For all of the concerns by people over what the movie says and attempts to depict, it was a bit under whelming in controversy.

I'm certainly not a movie critic but as a regular person, I do watch movies and in turn spend money on those movies. This article isn't intended to persuade or dissuade you from seeing the movie or to debate the material aspects of the story line. What I would like to use it for is a bit of object lesson in attitude.

From the time of the original release of the book on through the filming of this movie, many people have risen either in arms or taken up the cause of it. As the movie was released, the debate intensified and now the judging public will decide. My own thought is that as a thrilling mystery story it was good. It became difficult at times to follow though and seemed to be quite long. Meaning it took to long to get to the point.

What I do like about the movie is that it challenges our beliefs and stirs debate. Whether you believe that the information is factual or not, it is just a movie - not a documentary. So how do you react to something that challenges your beliefs and attitudes? Are you a defiant radical? Do you become depressed at the thought of it? Or are you willing to objectively view and discuss the situation?

Attitude does not mean being inflexible nor does it mean giving up your core beliefs. Attitude does mean that you are willing and able to handle having those core beliefs challenged. I have my own thoughts regarding the movie and its contents including the book. Faith is what it is and you need to be strong enough to listen and not be threatened by different beliefs.

What is good is that there is debate and to have people challenged. By doing so, your attitudes are challenged and with all things in life that challenge you, having a positive outlook or attitude about those challenges will get you through it.

“I do believe that when we face challenges in life that are far beyond our own power, it's an opportunity to build on our faith, inner strength, and courage. I've learned that how we face challenges plays a big role in the outcome of them.” - Sasha Azevedo

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