Thursday, July 27, 2006


Today I would like to pass along a link to an inspirational story of what one person would do for another. A story that tells of the true love a father has for a son.

Each of us know that we would go to great lengths for our children. Each of us have a huge place in our hearts for each of our children. And in this life, our human spirit is to lift those around us.

To show this particular father is not meant to over shadow what you may do in life. It is intended to provide us an example of the many things we can be. There are other great stories of people doing extraordinary things. Taking a step beyond the average is something that is in each of you. Go beyond the average, go beyond the ordinary and make a change in someones life.

Go to YouTube to see the CAN video. The pair call themselves Team Hoyt and you can read more about them on their website. It is a very inspiring video that can help move you to change as well.

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