Saturday, July 01, 2006

Life Spokes One & Two

When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life.
- Abert F. Geoffrey

The first two spokes of ones life have to do with your money and your life withing society. Each are described here. As noted in my previous article, ther are six spokes the complete the wheel of your life. All must be in working order for your life to move forward and achieve greatness.

Financial and Career

So just how much do you enjoy your job. Myself, I love getting up and going to work each day. The people I work with and the type of work I do is great. Everyday I feel like I am contributing something to the company and I get paid a decent wage.

In your life, can you say the same thing? If not, then change needs to happen and it is up to you to do so. What you do for a living, how much you enjoy it and the money you earn performing your job function are all related. One effects the other - if you are not happy, you likely are not performing well which means you don't earn as much.

If you are earning, are you giving back part of your money to society. Maybe to your church, to a charitable organization close to you or maybe directly to others in need. By giving of your money, you will feel better about yourself. It also creates in different ways a return of goodness to you as well. But you say you don't have much money, then start small. Maybe five dollars or ten.

So create your own destiny within your finances and career. Don't spend more then you make as debt is a serious problem. Adjust your budget and spending habits to the level of your earnings. Doing so means you will have less financial stress, feel better and perform better at work. Your performance goes up and most likely your earning.

Social and Cultural

Do you have friends in your life? A recent CBS NEWS Health Watch story indicates that "...most people's circle of confidants is on average about one person smaller now. The percentage of people who say they have no one to confide in has reached about 25%." All of us need those one or two close confidants. People that the article refers to as a "discussion network" — people you reach out to for help, advice, or just as a sounding board. In the new research, they say the network is important because it shapes "the kinds of people we become."

How do you develop these friendships? By having a life outside of work that allows you to draw back and recharge. It also rounds you out better as a person, to be in tune with what is happening in the world around you. You can better effect the world around you when you understand it and engage in it.

Be a part of the world around you - make changes to strengthen these areas of your life.

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