Thursday, July 13, 2006

Walking Through That Door

"The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can change his life by changing his attitude of mind." - William James

For many days he didn't return to building near the crossroads. There seemed to be no point in going for he felt his lot had been cast. He sat in darkened rooms thinking about where his life was. What it was he had done and also what he hadn't done up to this point. All the while there was a small voice inside of him that was trying to speak.

After days of self pity he began to place himself among others. Those that he called real friends and trusted with their honesty. His faith in many things was lost but he knew he had to find a way back from this deep valley. Slowly he sought help as he had reached a point where he knew it could not be done on his own. Faith and belief in a better life became a possibility, a dim light of expectation. This caused the voice inside to grow louder.

He learned all he could about what had happened in his life. A truthful look inside himself and the events that placed him at this moment in time. Even though others had a share in the situation, he knew that he had to take responsibility for his own attitude, his own life. Without grabbing hold of a new way of thinking, a new way of approaching life, he could not move to a better life.

The voice grew louder as he accepted a new attitude. As the days passed, he even returned to the building by the crossroads. Possibility was once again in his heart and mind. Then it happened as it does to everyone that chooses to change. For some it is a chance encounter, to others it is a friend making a suggestion. It comes in many different forms and not always as a bolt of lightening. Many times it is a subtle change of wind that causes us to take that next step.

As the voice inside was now his own, today he stepped through the open door. Out into a bright and vibrant sky with roads leading many different ways. Which one should he take but he knew the answer already. Any one of them would be fine for if that one didn't work out, there were always others. Always other answers, other possibilities and a life full of opportunity. For he had a new attitude, he was giving of himself and was part of a better life.

Change will occur sometimes with you and sometimes without you. It is how you deal with that change or how you make change that will determine the level of of life. Wallow in despair and that is where you will stay. Accept change and make movement in your life.

Take down your dreams and visions from the wall and place them into your pocket. Now step out in to the crossroads and choose a path. Know that whatever you do, failure or success is that change is always possible. This means that possibility is endless. Live your life exploring it and sharing it with others. Enjoy a better life.

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