Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Do You Believe?

In many polls, most show that nearly 90% believe in the existence of God in one form or another. It is a subject that can spark tremendous debate and also cause others to scornfully reject those that speak openly about it. Those that regularly read my articles will note that I have faith in God. But I keep the writings secular in nature, although the real meaning of secular was distorted to mean "distance from, or lack of, religion". But the word serves its purpose and I'll use it here.

The fact remains that I am driven or influenced by my choices in life, one of which is religion. Most everyone that is reading this has some form of religious background or experience. There is also in most everyone's life the idea of being spiritual. The term spiritual is a synonym of religious so on one hand you may say they are the same. Yet others deem the two very distinct and different.

So I don't wish to debate the two here but to say that being spiritual is very important in keeping your life well balanced. Being spiritual and moral is one of the six spokes of your life. Now don't shy away, I'm not going to start preaching religion. There are others better suited to do that. My aim is more simple, to let you know that part of your life requires a set of personal values.

Have you thought about what it is you believe in or don't believe in? This encompasses not just religion but things relating to money, job, sex and politics are all items to consider. If you don't know where you stand, how will you know how to conduct yourself. If you are spiritual in nature, then you likely believe in the idea that some higher form or power exists. And if that higher power exists for you, then you most likely have some level of values to live by.

Can you be both religious and spiritual at the same time? My belief is yes, because one does not have to believe in a narrow doctrine of one religion or another, but in the idea of larger possibilities within the context of my religious faith. It provides a grounding for me, gives me values to live by and to treat others. It is in establishing a spiritual belief under which your values can be drawn and acted upon.

Patricia Megregian is quoted as saying, "Spirituality is where people find meaning in their life. It's something higher than themselves, though not necessarily attached to religion." Keeping this part of your life well tended will improve your life. Tend to it as often as you can to keep your life in balance.

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