Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Healthy Attitude

Today I decided to work on one of the spokes of my life regarding health. My health centers on high blood pressure and high cholesterol. A visit to my doctor for a check up is one step in trying to stay on top of both issues. In previous articles, the spoke of health is necessary to maintain a balanced life. All of us had, have or will have health issues to deal with. It comes down to you and when you make the decision to address them.

Like many other folks, I have a hectic work life, busy family and just 'stuff' going on all the time. It can be very easy to neglect one's health when feeling good. In fact, I can be very reactive to my health as opposed to proactive. I'm not sure where that comes from knowing that in my line of work, being proactive is the best thing you can do.

Yet I live in a reactive world, I work in a reactive job, while struggling to set goals and visions. To be certain, it is one's health that will tend to get the short end of our reactive lives. Credit does go to those that can maintain a healthy life. But for many of us that struggle to work out this area of our life is difficult. The thing health professionals will tell you is to simply realize that good health is important.

Many may sarcastically think, "wow, that is an earth-shaking statement!" But many of us tend to forget how important good health actually is. When feeling good, what need is there for concern. The same goes for your mind, soul, spirit, job, family, attitude or any of the other facets of life. Each must be nurtured to keep it in good shape and to keep the wheel of your life in balance.

Good health is important to that balance, so keep it important in your life. As Thomas Fuller wrote, “health is not valued till sickness comes.” Work to maintain the spoke of good health, it will help you in the other areas of your life. A healthy body and a healthy mind for a healthy attitude.

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