Saturday, December 23, 2006

7 Minutes

Coming up, the day before Christmas. I've taken the past week off to prepare for the holiday season. I have also been finishing up work for different customers before many take off for their own holiday.

In these final days of 2006, my family and I have been blessed. We in turn have taken our good fortune and passed it on to others. Since it has been seven days off from writing, consider it my '7 Minutes' of reflection that I've written about before.

The seven days have been busy and full of figuring out how to help others. It has also been a week of passing on to our children, family and friends. The whole holiday season is one that you can use to bless others which in turn will be returned to you in time.

There will be periodic writings over the next week or so as I prepare for the new year. It will give me time to continue reflection and focus on my wife and family. Take time yourself to do the same, please come back to read more. Tell those that you think may benefit to come back and read. It only takes seven minutes of your time, '7 Minutes' of reflection to take your life to a whole new level.

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