Saturday, March 03, 2007

Faith Begins With One Step

Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, "Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step." This faith is one that you have to define. Mine is in a God and the fullness of what I believe he has to offer. Your faith may be defined in other ways, but to succeed in life, you do need to have something that will sustain and motivate you.

A friend of mine just recently found a new job after being out of work for many months. There were many things that life threw at his family over the course of this time. Health, money and home all were attacked by the troubles that plagued him. Many job interviews and coming so close yet being informed by the potential employer they had chosen a different direction.

Yet my friend maintained faith, perseverance, honor and his sense of humor. I'm sure during the quiet hours of night that depression would attempt to take hold. Yet he has weathered the deep canyon of life. When its walls seemed much too high to scale, he kept on and kept that faith. Today life is beginning to become more clear and the climb out of this deep area is becoming easier.

I'm sure he still feels that he has a long way to go. But from my viewpoint, he has come a very long distance already. I have great respect and admiration for this man as an example of carrying his faith the entire distance. To paraphrase from the quote above, "...the end doesn't have to be in site, just the beginning of the path." Begin your journey and if needed, pave your own path.

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