Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Life Will Change

A recent quote from actor Tim Allen said, "change is all we really have so why do I let it get to me? Because something in me wants stability, but it is never stable, is it?" All of us look for consistency in our lives. We like the idea of things getting to a likable level and want it to just remain there.

Think of it as driving down the freeway in your car, a vacation trip long overdue. You have set the cruise control at 75 miles per hour, the sky is blue and spring has blossomed with flowers and the green of a new summer all around you. The love of your life is riding with you, maybe the kids or friends are there. Even your music is just right, things are all well. Your biggest wish is that the entire trip continues in this manner.

But then traffic begins to build, the cruise control no longer is an option. Road construction ahead and someone needs to use the rest room as well. What about something to eat, we're all getting hungry and tired. Things change, life changes things, it just happens...that is life.

How we deal with change is the determining factor in how we succeed or fail. By understanding that change will occur on a very unexpected schedule, you will be able to adapt and move on. Not all change is bad remember, but it shakes things up and makes you adjust your life. You can fight change, try to hold things the same. Doing so can be like building sand castles in the surf of a beach. A losing battle that frustrates and fails to accomplish your fight to keep life the same.

Some of the change is predictable or at least foreseeable. Good friends of ours have great change in front of them for their son. The son will have to live the major change and adapt to living in a completely different way. Their story could be any kind, you could plug most any story line into it and the simple fact of change remains. Their lives will have pain and sorrow but then attitude will take hold.

They will have to be strong and positive for the son, for themselves. It will be necessary to find the good things and the long term possibilities that this change brings upon them. Fighting against the tide will only weaken them and not give that support the son will greatly need. With family and friends in support, our friends will change themselves through this experience. They will let go of past hurts that prevented them from taking the positive approach to life and change.

Movement is occurring for them at this time, movement is occurring for you as well. Change will happen as sure as the sun will rise in the morning. Embrace change and find stability for yourself within it.

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