Monday, May 14, 2007

Mothers Day Revisited

I will start today asking each of you, "did you call your mother yesterday?" Or if she is no longer with us, did you stop and think of her? It is one of those things that as a child, you can never forget what she has done for or gone through for you.

Motherhood is one of those things in which one person (your mother) gives of herself to you. A serving attitude all in the course of raising her child. In return she will reap the benefit of undying love and adoration.

Mothers are as total as the sky;
Older than the earth, and more enduring.
They're rooted in our hearts like ancient trees,

Halfway down to seething lava seas;
Emblazoned on our sail, and on our mooring.
Returning home, we dwell within their sigh:
So maddening, so rich, so reassuring.

Happy Mother's Day to my Mom and all of the moms out there. And yes, I did call her yesterday!

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