Monday, May 21, 2007

Sowing Positive Seeds

Each day we have the possibility of taking the gifts given to us and sowing them in others. As the painting above called "Sowing Seed" by Louis Hébert shows, our lives are much like the one that sows seeds. The sowing of seed is done to replenish the landscape and provide nourishment once again where there was none

You have that ability to sow into others lives, both good and bad. By the bad, I mean there are those that can have a tremendously negative effect on others. This past weekend, a young couple was driving by my home in a van. The young girl was driving and saw me as they slowly drove by. Whether they were married or not, from half a block away I could hear the young man yelling obscenities and hurtful things. The look upon her face was one of despair and pain.

Like the withered plant which is lacking in water and is being choked out by the weeds, my guess is the young man was like that weed destroying the roots of her existence.

Yet to sow a positive wave upon others is much like the careful tending of a garden. Watering when appropriate, clearing the field of weeds and allowing the plant to grow. When this is done, we reap the fruit of having given of ourselves to another. In love, knowledge or money, the sowing of each will be returned to you tenfold.

Be a sower of the positive, plant the seed of knowledge or love or even money into the lives of others. Your life will be enriched by the process and life will grow in abundance.

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