Sunday, July 22, 2007

Exercise For A Better Life

When you are working towards having a great or better life, your health becomes important so that you can enjoy it. Being in poor health will result in spending your time and money at doctor offices or in hospitals. So taking care of your physical self is just as important as the mental self. I have written previously about this balance in life with my "Wheel of Life" articles.

This physical part of your life can be reasonably easy to maintain. It is said that 30 minutes of exercise a day can be quite beneficial. But where to put this exercise time into your schedule can be difficult to do. You need to find the time and here are a few tips I came upon in an article by Jorge Cruise in an interview with Bobbi Brown, the CEO of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics and author of "Bobbi Brown Living Beauty."

- Set your alarm 45 minutes before your family gets up or before you would normally get up.

- Make exercise a part of your social life. "I even asked all my friends to join me for a walk on my birthday," the beauty expert says. For myself (Joe Primm), my church is building a new wing that will house a very modern and well-equipped exercise facility. Open to both church members and the community, a great way to round out your life.

- Cut out the junk. "if you're not eating properly, you're not going to feel like exercising.

- Create any kind of home gym you can -- even if it's just a few free weights or an exercise ball.

- "Music is key," she notes. " like popular rap music; it really keeps me motivated.

So do something, anything, to make your life physically better. You'll feel better, you'll perform better, your life will be better.

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