Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Open Road To Change

Today I'd like to share an update from a friend of mine (Paul O'Connell) down in Lima, Peru.

Hello Everyone,

Well it has happened..the website is up..yeehah..its been a long road, http://www.openroadmissions.com/. Check it out if you have not already. I will endeavour to update it regularly and keep you informed of what is going down here in Lima.

The latest big news is that the weather is getting warmer..big deal you may think..well it is..it has been grey and overcast since I arrived in July..did I mention cold and humid..a lethal combination..to say the least..but summer is fast approaching and what a difference it makes to ones outlook.

It is amazing how much more positive a sunny day can make you. Last weekend we did another medical outreach, it was a great time. I learned to take blood pressure readings and after about 30, one after the other, I think I developed high blood pressure myself !!!

I travelled up to a jungle city called Iquitos a few weeks ago and met up with a guy who started an orphanage for the street kids. This city is a major child prostitution center with many people travelling there just for that purpose...sickos. Anyway, this guy has done a great thing..it was inspiring to talk with him and hear the stories..amazing.

I will be heading back up to Iquitos this time for some well digging projects. It should be a good time providing a source of fresh water for villages in that area. OK I'd better get back to my Spanish homework. Hope to see you all in January. I would appreciate all your prayers and if you would like to help out financially..more power to you..click on the DONATE button at the bottom of the website...hasta luego. Paul

One person in life, each person in life, making a difference in big and little ways around this world. Please consider helping out my friend with your donation. Make a change in some one's life.

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