Friday, August 29, 2008

No Easy Way To Cry

"I wish you sunshine on your path and storms to season your journey. I wish you peace in the world in which you live... More I cannot wish you except perhaps love to make all the rest worthwhile." -Robert A. Ward

We fill our daily existence with the things currently at hand. The bits of getting to work, working through the day and the little things we do to end the day. We tend to lose focus on family and friends at times. It is the immediate and near that capture our attention.

I am no different then each of you in that respect. I can get consumed by what is within my small area of existence. But once in a while you get a shock to that existence. Recently this happened to me and it reverberates in my mind still.

Having friends that were once very close, we drifted apart by distance and time. Donna and Lyle are the kind of truly great people that everyone should have as friends. I have kept loose contact with Lyle over the years, missing the nearer connection we once had.

So it was with heart break that I had learned that their daughter passed away in May of 2006. Two years ago, could it be possible that we let our friendship slip this far. To know that their beautiful and very talented daughter was taken from them so young in her life.

Shelley was 18 years old, a gifted student and athlete. I like to say that she obtained all beauty, grace and talents from her mother Donna. This mostly as a gentle ribbing to her father Lyle. Along with her brother Scott, this family is just wonderful, yet now with one missing piece.

The loss of a child hurts beyond anything I could possibly write or imagine. As Lyle said in a news article, "We loved her very much and we’re going to miss her like I can’t even describe.

David Gray put out a song a few years back entitled "Easy Way To Cry." The words he sings could speak into many different types of relationship loss. For me the lyric he sings which has the most meaning, the only thing that I could possibly so to my friends, "there ain't no easy way to cry."

Hold onto those around you and let them know you care and love them.

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