Friday, March 13, 2009

Thank God Its Friday

The unthankful heart... discovers no mercies;
but let the thankful heart
sweep through the day and,
as the magnet finds the iron,
so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings!

Henry Ward Beecher

This cartoon caught my eye and got me to thinking about being thankful in life and being able to express it. It seems to be the only phrase that a majority of people are willing to use the name 'God' openly. Most everyone of us has said it, "Thank God Its Friday" at some point in our life.

The words are simple and meaningful in expressing an idea that you have been able to make it through a work week. It is an open expression to God thanking him for helping you accomplish so much. Also, for getting you to the weekend where you can relax from the toils of your job.

What I find more important though is to find things to be thankful for through out the week. The idea of TGIF is just a reminder that we really do have quite a bit to appreciate in our lives. things such as 'having a job' that we can go to. So many people are out of work currently with an unemployment rate of over 8% here in the U.S. (as of February 2009), many predict it will reach 10%. So maybe we could start saying, "Thank God I Have A Job" each day.

Every morning you get up and are able to get to a job. Your health is good and only the occassional cold seems to bother you. When you arrive at work, you take the stairs in order to get a little bit of exercise, maybe stop at the gym after work or even play with the kids on the weekend. So maybe we could start saying, "Thank God I Have My Health" each day.

And what about those kids of yours? Also a lovely wife and a great friend or two that you can say hello to are great to have around. The ability to talk with someone else and have a friendly conversation. So maybe we could start saying, "Thank God I Have My Family" or "Thank God I Have Friends" each day.

Even when you feel you have nothing in life or even if you have everything in life, each and every day we can find something to be thankful for. Try to be more thankful in your life and appreciate that which you do have. All you have to say is, "Thank You God."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm in agreement with the sentiment, I usually say thanks at some point during the day but don't you think that the majority who utter those words "Thank you God" do so entirely sarcastically as they've usually had something happen to them?