Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Expect the Unexpected

EXPECTATION by Gustav Klimt

"If you do not expect the unexpected, you will not find it; for it is hard to be sought out, and difficult." - Heraclitus of Ephesus

All of us have expectations in life. We expect,

- our kids to be good
- our marriage to be wonderful and exciting
- our jobs to be enjoyable and well paying
- our health to be good with little suffering
- our car to always function properly
- our retirement to be well funded and relaxing
- our death to be pain free and peaceful

But having an expectation and actually having it happen requires some level of work on our part. Many of the above expectations do not simply 'occur' to our benefit. They require that we put time and effort into achieving each of them.

Achievement in each of these or many other areas of our life depend upon us having some level of expectation. Expectation is the yearning for something that we either dream of or envision for our life. It drives us to attempt and reach a goal.

It is with this expectation that we learn to "expect the unexpected" that life will either throw at us or give to us. You can't plan for it, but you can accept that the unexpected will happen. While we tend to accept that bad things will happen, we should put as much effort into believing that unexpected good things will happen as well. If you concentrate on the bad things, you are going to miss the good things that will happen.

So 'expect the unexpected good' that will happen in your life. Move forward towards your dreams and envision the outcome. Before you know it, the reality will occur.

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