Friday, April 10, 2009

The Passion

Holbein's "The Passion of Christ" - 1524

Here it is, Good Friday, a noted and important religious holiday. It is primarily a Christian rememberance of the crucifixion of Jesus. Since I am certainly not a religious theologian, I will not pretend to teach anyone of the theology behind this holiday.

What I can do is tell you that everyday is a day to be remembered. There are both good and bad days which mark your own life's journey. Some may say, why remember a death of some person from so long ago?

But why then do we remember Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln, any number of saints or other political figures? It is because their life had meaning and purpose for us. We both honor and take time to remember how these people impacted our lives. That impact may not seem obvious, but each created change that lives on today.

Your life has a lasting impact on others as well. It is very likely that you will not have a holiday named in your honor, but others will remember you. So this Good Friday, we will remember the death of Jesus, but also remember those that have had an impact in our lives.

Have a Good Friday everyone; enjoy a reflective and peaceful Easter weekend.

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