Friday, January 15, 2010

When Disaster Strikes

"Sometimes it takes a natural disaster to reveal a social disaster." ~Jim Wallis

Disaster can strike anywhere at anytime in this world. The devastation in Haiti caused by a 7.0 magnitude earthquake is astounding to see. This occurred about 10 miles from the center of Port au Prince which has a population of nearly one million people. Think of similar sized cities any where around the world;

1,200,000 - Glasgow UK
1,200,000 - Lumumbashi Congo
1,177,000 - Perth Australia
1,157,000 - Orlando USA
1,075,000 - Dublin Ireland
1,050,000 - Auckland New Zealand
1,050,000 - Lille France
1,035,000 - Porto Portugal
1,002,000 - Adelaide Australia
1,000,000 - Helsinki Finland
972,000 --- Memphis USA
915,000 --- Antwerp Belgium
900,000 --- Port Elizabeth South Africa

Think of your own community. A town of 615 people like Cedar Bluffs, Nebraska can suffer as much as a city of nearly 34 million people like Tokyo, Japan. Disaster effects people on an individual basis. It could happen to any of us and when it does, others will come to your aide similar to what is happening in Haiti.

Yet we can not live in fear of the next disaster. We simply need to be prepared in ways that make sense. And when a disaster occurs, 'just breathe'. We will work through the pain and sorrow that a disaster brings. Greatness and better times exist on the other side of it. Just maintain faith in yourself and those around you. The people of Haiti will pull through with the help of themselves and those around the world.

Help in what ways you can today; not only in Haiti but in support of those that assist people in need around the world and within your own community.

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