Saturday, February 13, 2010

Life Is Full Of Surprise

"A story to me means a plot where there is some surprise. Because that is how life is - full of surprises." ~Isaac Bashevis Singer

So where oh where have I been the past couple of days? I have had this question asked of me several times. They say, "its not like you to disappear for a couple of days" and "have you stopped writing?" Which are nice questions to be asked, which means there are people that actually read my blog.

Where I have been is keeping a secret from our daughter Shirin. She lives in L.A. with her husband Dave. This weekend is her birthday and it has been several months since we've seen her. So in a conspiracy of epic proportion, her husband and we have been planning this birthday surprise for a couple of months.

In preparing, we had to ensure many friends back in Atlanta didn't let slip we were coming. Emails and texts between her and us meant we had to be careful what we said. It took her husband being stealthy in planning the big day. And it worked...SURPRISE.

The plot worked as planned. We arrived on Thursday afternoon, staying at a cool little guest house called The Sanborn House, not more then a block or so from their home. A great location very close to a great coffee shop called Intelligentsia to relax and take in the area called Sunset Junction.

Step outside the coffee shop to head back to the Sanborn and a great view of the Hollywood sign. But alas, our timing was such that the sign read Save The Peak. Wow...SURPRISE. Life is really full of them.

The next day, a Friday while Shirin is at work...we work with Dave to set the stage. He sets up the apartment of nearby friends where everyone will meet to surprise Shirin. She and Dave arrive on the idea of a few friends meeting to go out to a few clubs. Wow...SURPRISE. Life has a cool way of doing this. Its actually a party for her. But what about her mother and I? We are not there.

We actually arrive about fifteen minutes late (on purpose) and ring the bell. Dave has tactfully positioned her near the door so that she is the one to open it...SURPRISE. Well we were in the neighborhood and thought we'd drop by. The look of speechless wonder was wonderful. And a great evening of chatting and seeing her with all her friends was great. It was even better seeing her and Dave together enjoying the moment.

But yet another surprise. Our son Jon, in school at the University of Georgia has called. A rare snow storm in the Atlanta area created a perfect setting for playing football outside. And the perfect setting for a broken collarbone and his buddy taking him to the hospital emergency room. Wow...SURPRISE, life never seems to cease in giving them.

But all is well, he will do well and we continue to enjoy time with our daughter and husband. SURPRISE, life will work out one way or another and leave you with more.

1 comment:

Patrice said...

Indeed, life is full of surprises. I am pretty sure that your daughter was very happy having a surprise birthday party.