Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Speaking From Beyond

Anita Kunz

So here I am, a full week of having meetings and lots of talking.  I mean a whole lot of talking going on.  I learned some time ago that when these types of weeks come along, forget drinking anything but lots of water.  Through out our lives we talk continuously.

If we take some averages thrown out there that women on average speak 20,000 words in a day and men only 7,000 words; I'll take an average of 13,500 words per day. If you then figure the average lifespan of a person (world average) of 68.9 years, then a person speaks roughly 338,715,000 words in a lifetime. Give or take a few words.

I then find it interesting that someone would have invented a device that will let you speak even beyond this lifetime. I kid you not, a Talking Tombstone that is described as a "Video Enhanced Gravemarker". I'm not certain how serious this is, but I would assume that once you have passed on, its time to let someone else do the talking.

We have plenty of time during our lives to say what we want. The point I'm trying to make is to make those words count. Tell someone how great they are today. Tell someone close to you how much you love them. Tell others the good things that can make their lives better.

It doesn't mean you can't correct someone or be critical at times. We do all too much of that is the problem. Find something good to say as well. Don't wait until the time runs short. My challenge to you is to finish reading this article, maybe pass it along to someone, but more importantly call someone and tell them something good about their life.

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