Monday, June 28, 2010

Larger Capacity

In truth, the only restrictions on our capacity to astonish ourselves and each other are imposed by our own minds. ~David Blaine

I came upon the above art work that got me to thinking about something my friend Dean Sweetman told me recently. Capacity within oneself is so much more than what we limit ourselves to. If you are going to get something bigger, you are going to have to get bigger yourself. You have to be able to contain and receive that which you are trying to possess.

Everything comes to us that belongs to us if we create the capacity to receive it. ~Rabindranath Tagore

We box ourselves in by negatively thinking of what we can actually accomplish in life. Like the balloon trying to rise to great heights, the nice convenient room we have built in our mind prevents it.

The capacity you're thinking of is imagination; without it there can be no understanding, indeed no fiction. ~William Trevor

You have to break free from the thoughts and limitations you place on your life. Believe in your ability to expand your world. The confidence to do so exists inside if you will simply allow it to see the light of day.

As is our confidence, so is our capacity. ~William Hazlitt

Putting it in perspective, a myth exists that we only use roughly 10% of our brains ability. This is actually wrong because that number is really only the 'perceived' amount we use. While we may only be consciously aware of certain portions of our brain activity, all of our brain is doing work whether we're aware of it or not.

I just think that we're capable of so much more; we don't utilize all our capacity like we should. ~Marcus Allen

We have ability inside that we fail to acknowledge. Maybe that is fear or failure; practice fearlessness. Maybe that is a friend filling you with discouragement; get a new friend. Maybe that is lack of knowledge; learn more by reading.

Wisdom is nothing but a preparation of the soul, a capacity, a secret art of thinking, feeling and breathing thoughts of unity at every moment of life. ~Herman Hesse

Prepare yourself for greater things. Break through the walls that you keep yourself confined within. Start imagining a bigger you capable of greater capacity to achieve. And then start to build a bigger you. Don't wait, start now and you will become bigger then you ever first imagined.

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