Friday, August 06, 2010


As your weekend quickly approaches, I felt the following video from Australia would be appropriate. Similar to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration here in the United States, the Australian Traffic Accident Commission is tasked with trying to promote road safety.

There have been many different roads campaigns both here in the U.S. and in Australia, along with hundreds of others around the globe. It bears repeating that traffic safety, buckling up, no texting while driving, and turning over your keys after drinking save lives.

I have to reminded and encouraged in all aspects of traffic safety just like the next person. It was recently that a friend from high school whom has been in law enforcement for a number of years sent this video.

It can be disturbing to watch at moments; it can be quite sad at times. But the reality of the choices we make when we get behind the wheel of a car have consequences. Maybe not this time, but maybe it will happen to you the next time. Again, maybe it will never happen to you.

Statistics from the M.A.D.D. (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) reveal that on average someone is killed by a drunk driver every 45 minutes. In 2008, an estimated 11,773 people died in drunk driving related crashes; a decline of 9.8 percent from the 13,041 drunk driving related fatalities of 2007.

So hold on and watch the video. See if it changes your thoughts if only a little bit about driving impaired.

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