Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tomorrow Is Here

I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.” -Stephan Grellet

Yesterday I wrote an article titled "Building St. Peters". It was an article to try and get you thinking about starting your journey now. If you feel you have been stuck and not living your life to its best potential, yesterday was the day to start. That first step, that laying of the foundation walls; it takes movement.

Some people would misinterpret this to mean, open wide the throttle and run over people on your way to something. And there are those in life that will simply run over and crush those in the way of their goals. But once arriving, all they have done is left a trail of broken trust and broken relationships; they have left a broken legacy.

Achievement in life doesn't mean achieving your goals at the cost of others and at the cost of you. It means bringing others along with you and arriving at a destination with others, not alone.

There is an old saying that advises, "be nice to people on the way up as they will be the ones you meet again should you fall." I am not sure why people forget this one human quality of 'being nice.' There are certainly people that would rather not see you succeed. But there are many more that want to see you do well.

What we sometimes call the race to success is not the same destination for everyone. What we define as success is different to different people. So don't think of it as a race to only one goal for all people. It is your personal destination and others will help you, while you help them.

So now that I have distracted you a little bit from forgetting that you failed to start yesterday; are you starting today? Are you starting to be a little nicer to people? Are you getting up and making movement towards your dreams and goals?

Tomorrow will be here soon enough and all of your yesterdays will pile up behind you.

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