Thursday, May 26, 2011

Slice of Ireland

"There are those moments when you shake someone's hand, have a conversation with someone, and suddenly your all bound together because you share your humanity in one simple moment."
-Ralph Fiennes-

Today we wrapped up our business meetings and held a grand dinner to celebrate. A local restaurant that had very good food, very good service and very good conversation.

All week we have worked together as representatives of different companies, as different nationalities and as different people. But the end result is that we worked together as a single entity. We held conversations and did those things as a group when so much could have been stacked against us.

I am not one to quote the Bible, but Matthew 18:20 reads, "For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." What is great about this verse is that each of us had a sense of purpose for what was at hand. We were given the opportunity to achieve something and we did, it was good. The verse reminds me that if we do come together as two, three or many, then something good can come from it.

Gather those that you know whether it be family, friends, and neighbors. Sit down with co-workers or people you know from business, sports, or any other connection. When we do, the conversation will flow and good things will happen. A little slice of my Ireland experience will come upon all of you.

1 comment:

Daveo said...

Great meeting again Joe, and as alsways thanks for your help!