Thursday, June 23, 2011

Does Opportunity Knock

"I held a moment in my hand, brilliant as a star, fragile as a flower, a tiny sliver of one hour. I dripped it carelessly, Ah! I didn't know, I held opportunity." -Hazel Lee

Well it happened to me. An opportunity came along and I missed it. Strange as it seems since I write about this stuff all of the time. You may not consider it a big deal but I do. My missed opportunity was to wish my sister a happy birthday three days ago.

Opportunity doesn't always come along as a Microsoft Outlook calendar reminder. That distinctive alert sound that is supposed to wake you from your slumber and get back to work.

Opportunity rarely comes knocking on your door like a Western Union Telegram. Even Western Union doesn't do that anymore.

Sometimes opportunity comes in the form of a passing white cloud above. You stop to take in the beauty of it against a blue sky. Another person stops to see what you are admiring, a conversation ensues and connection takes place.

Other times you step beyond doing what everyone else does at work. You take a chance taking on what others will not. A career blossoms where others thought barren ground existed.

Sometimes we miss the initial opportunity as it stood and waved a big sign. We turn the corner after seeing it down a side street we never take. That itch comes up in the back of our head; a little voice saying, "hey, wait a minute." At this point we can continue driving or turn around and go another direction.

You see it means you have to be aware and looking for opportunity. It means placing yourself in a position to cross paths with opportunity. It means being engaged in the world around you.

We may never get another television show called "Opportunity Knocks", but we can call our sister and send a belated birthday card. So Happy Birthday Pam! And don't forget to send in your vote for the Zaporozhian Cossacks, the dancers; not the people from the 'land beyond the rapids.’

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