Monday, August 29, 2011

Up and Down

"I can no other answer make, but, thanks, and thanks." ~William Shakespeare

My life may have its ups and downs, but when I'm reminded of all the beautiful people I have in my life, everything just evens out. Yesterday was my birthday and the huge out pouring of birthday wishes filled my day with joy. I am truly blessed in that manner.

I believe that if you take the time to think of all those in your life, you will find how blessed you are as well. Many times it may seem like we are battling life on our own, but likely there are others wanting to support and be there as well.

Life is not meant to be lived in isolation. Life is meant to be lived and enjoyed with others. The connection you make with other people comes back to you ten-fold. Extending your hand in friendship, in kindness or simply being there will fill your life with wonderful things.

The roller-coaster life we live can be overwhelming and the ups and downs will always occur. But the ride is so much better when you ride it with family and friends.

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