Monday, October 10, 2011

Victory Achieved

Victory is won not in miles but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground, and later, win a little more.” -Louis L'Amour

There are hundreds of small victories won each and every day. All you have to do is look for them and accept them for what they are; victory in your life.

We spend way too much energy and effort on acknowledging our failures. There is cause analysis done and much angst over that which we fail to achieve. To look at and understand what we may have done wrong is okay. To review and see what it was that went wrong is just fine. You then need to move on from it.

But lots of times we dwell on it, which gives it power over us. It causes us to lose confidence in little bits and pieces. So why not give as much time and acknowledgement to all of the little victories. With each and every one, we build a bigger mountain to stand upon. We deserve those victories. We deserve to acknowledge and accept those victories in our life.

So get on with letting go of the failures, any and all. Get on with adding up your victories in life, large or small. One victory after another will lead to achieving those goals in life.

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