Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Change Happens

Vision without action is a dream. Action without vision is simply passing the time. Action with Vision is making a positive difference.” -Joel Barker

So here we go again. It is something I have seen so many times in my career. It is inevitable in my life and in your life. What I am referring to is change. It could be a change of scenery or change of plans. Some would call it a change of direction while others would simply say change happens; a nice way of saying 's**t happens' in a raw way of speaking.

Change can be a saddening event, but it does happen. Change happens in business. When the vision is lost or there is a lack of vision, action has to occur which means change. The same is true in your everyday life as you try to move forward and achieve your best life.

"There is nothing wrong with change, if it is in the right direction." -Winston Churchill

There was great vision in the beginning. There was great action in the beginning. There was great accomplishment through out the process. It was then picked apart and marginalized by those who didn't understand the vision. In the end, for those that dreamed the potential and built that vision into reality knew it had to end.

Some things just run their course and the same thing can happen with your own visions. You dream the impossible and believe it can happen. So you put those dreams into action and build a great and wonderful thing in your life. Others will come along, either through jealousy of your success or in an attempt to take that vision from you. You fight to hold onto your vision but life and circumstance can get in the way.

And if those circumstances fall out of favor with your vision, the vision will either die or be placed upon a treadmill, going nowhere. You run and run each day, keeping the heart pounding strong but always in one place. It is at this point you must make a decision to find new vision for your life.

"First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination." -Napoleon Hill

What you do is dream of new possibility, new vision and move on from the old. You organize those visions and begin to move, you take action in the belief that those visions will become reality. The future always holds possibility which means you have new possibility when those old dreams run their course.

Never forget that a change of scenery, a change of plans, or change of direction will occur; change happens. You are going to realize some of those dreams this year. So grab a new vision for your life if you have to and make this a great 2012 year.

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