Monday, April 02, 2012

Expect It, Anticipate It

There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something better tomorrow.” -Orison Swett Marden

Expectation - as defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary is;

Main Entry: ex·pec·ta·tion
Pronunciation: \ˌekspek-ˈtā-shən, ik-\

1: the act or state of expecting : anticipation
2: something expected; basis for expecting; assurance; prospects of inheritance —usually used in plural
3: the state of being expected
4: expectancy; expected value

The 'act or state of expecting' of something different or 'anticipation' of something that could happen in your life. Each of us should and do have expectations of an event or change happening for us.

You should have anticipation of change occurring; it is why you dream and set goals in your life. So many times we set these goals or dream of something grand, only to never take it the next step.

The step is 'expecting' that it will happen by speaking into your own thoughts that you will accomplish it. I am not here to say that is all you have to do and that all dreams will come true. But if you don't believe or 'expect' it to happen, you will never step towards attempting to capture it.

It is similar to those that play the lottery. Your chances of winning the previous Mega Millions $540 million jackpot was 1 in 176 million. With those odds, you are five times more likely to get hit by lightening. But most will also say that "you can't win at all unless you actually play." So before I go on, note that I am not saying run out and play the lottery.

What I am saying is that without expectation of something occuring in your life, without stepping out towards change, nothing will occur. You will not achieve anything if you do not expect to achieve by stepping out in change. Expecting that you will win the lottery does not mean you will win it. But you have to engage in life in order to have a chance at anything.

Expect greater things for your self, expect that you will achieve more in your life. Then step out and cause movement in your life. And of course, stay inspired my friends.

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