Thursday, April 19, 2012

One Of The Twelve

"Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." -William Shakespeare

There is a known business fact in which any contact you have with a customer, it takes twelve (12) positive experiences by the customer to overcome just one (1) negative experience. If you think about it, that is an amazing figure. The odds are 12:1 against you that a customer will continue to come back. That is a difficult position for you to be in if you happen to be the next person in line dealing with that customer.

What happens if you are one of those next twelve experiences the customer has with your company?

First thing to remember is that in the eyes of the customer, you are the company. You equal your company. You have to take responsibility and represent the company in the appropriate manner. You can not hide behind any excuse such as, "I only work here". Sorry, when you were hired, a trust was placed in your hands to represent your employer.

Now it may be that you have a small level of authority. But it does not diminish the fact that you are your company at this point in time; the time in which that customer is standing in front of you. If you can not accomodate the customer, then certainly go out of your way to assist that customer in getting to the right person. Taking just a small amount of concern and effort for the customer will go a long way in the customer relationship.

Do not be the road block to success, be one of the twelve positive experiences.

Every time you pick up that phone and each time you encounter a customer, consider this the first of twelve needed positive experiences. You can use this same work ethic outside of work, at home, at church or at the store. Those people you encounter could be considered as just having had a bad experience.

Here is your chance to be one or more of the twelve positive experiences this person needs. Understand that lifting others will ultimately cause your life to be lifted up. You can be the one to make the experience a positive one. Your wife had a bad day at work or one of your kids is frustrated with school; you have the opportunity to start changing their world.

Don't Be The One - Be One Of The Twelve

Stay inspired my friends.

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