Friday, June 01, 2012

Day Before

"The best babysitters, of course, are the baby's grandparents. You feel completely comfortable entrusting your baby to them for long periods, which is why most grandparents flee to Florida." -Dave Barry

Today marks the last post for about a week. I will be taking a vacation week along with my wife Laura. We will have nine days of what some would call rest, relaxation and removal from the daily grind of work. There have been a few people asking where we are going on our vacation.

- Is it to the beach in Florida? (no)
- Is it to the south Pacific? (no)
- Is it on a cruise ship? (no)
- It has to be a mountain hideaway? (no)

No, Grandma and Grandpa are spending nine wonderful days at home watching our four grand-children. A fun-filled week with ages ranging from 18 months to ten years of age. Two grandsons, two granddaughters and more energy than I have probably seen in a year or two.

There is a possibility that I might take time to write of the "goings on" around our home. It is possible I might escape for an hour very early in the morning to write an article. What I do know is that the week is going to be awesome and we have Grandma to thank for that. Grandma's are the best.

They give the best hugs, the best smooches, the best grilled cheese, the best games, the best...well, you get the picture. Grandma's put the wheels in motion and create the memories that last forever in the minds of grandchildren. Now for us Grandpa types.

Grandpa provides sticks of Juicy Fruit gum. We help make sure the Big Wheel wheels keep turning. We ensure the car seat gets locked in correct. And we make sure the punctuation is properly applied so that we don't get eaten while we are taking a nap!

I'll post some of my favorite posts over the next week and maybe an update or two of our fun. So until then, stay inspired my friends!

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