Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Change Your Thinking

"Feel now how you would feel then."

Generate a vibe today, tomorrow, or the next day; generate some good feelings with people around you. It can be a day that starts a whole new way of life for you. Take a positive approach to dealing with people and believe in the goodness each of us have inside.

So many times we only see the negative, the complaining or the thought that all of life is against us. It is very much like the everyday news, always dwelling on the bad news. The daily grind of political back biting, criminal activity, cheating, accidents, deaths and just about anything that has greater sensation.

Our nature is to be drawn to "the accident" scene as opposed to the nice person handing out flowers on the street corner. Yet a daily grind of the negative tends to place us in a negative mood. We do know that living this way can eventually drag us down.

So do something about it. Make a change in your life and those around you. It can start with a smile, it can be opening a door, but it all begins with you. It begins by simply deciding to live in a more positive way.

Generate a new vibe today or tomorrow, generate a positive one. And stay inspired my friends.

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