Thursday, July 19, 2012

Plug Back Into Life

"Tenacity is key because it keeps you going during tough times, but it must be tempered because sometimes you need to back down or walk away."
- John Stollenwerk, CEO of Allen-Edmonds

Many of us, including me, become wrapped up very heavily in our jobs. The worry of work drives us to stay connected even outside of our work hours. Simply put, our ability to step away from work has been usurped by technology. Mobile devices, cell phones, satellite and the "smart" globalization of everything makes it difficult to 'not be available.'

All of a sudden you realize that "picture day" has snuck up on you. Guess what, it is time to look at the priorities in your life. I call it "picture day" because your child had pictures taken at school today and you forgot about it. The picture did not look very good. You forgot to help your child prepare and the proof is in the pictures.

I am of course speaking metaphorically about the dangers of losing balance in your life. When you finally realize that you have allowed technology to keep you connected to work all day, every day. You find that you have missed planning a birthday or some other important event. Technology kept you plugged into work, but not into life.

We allow the technology to push our family and personal life to the bottom of the list. Work becomes all consuming and when this happens you need to set some boundaries that will allow you reclaim balance in your life.

Here are a few rules to consider regarding technology and regaining balance.

Turn off technology whenever you can.

Even if you have to start slowly by blocking off Sunday morning as a 'no-cell-phone' or 'no-iPAD' zone. Give your batteries a break and simply shut your phone off.

Send less, get less.

It is said that if you send 20 percent less email, you'll receive 10 percent less. Cut out the quick thank you replies and don't hit "reply all" unless absolutely necessary.

Don't send email on weekends.

This means to work colleagues who are probably trying to find their own balance. Make your boundaries known. You have to be very clear in the workplace that 'no, you are not available on weekends.' When you do this in the beginning and you draw the line, expectations can be managed.

Figure out your own rules

Adapt the boundaries that are right for you. In example, if it is in the service of relaxation (taking electronics on vacation), it can actually help. Your Kindle, your Nook or other device can help you in achieving balance in your life. Just nothing work related.

Over time you will start to realize that "ok, I'm not missing anything critical." The question will become "what is going to make you more relaxed?" Sitting at your child's school program speculating about what might be piling up in your inbox is madness. Regain some sort of balance in your life, regain your life.

Stay inspired my friends.

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