Friday, August 31, 2012

Life is a Movie

"To me, if life boils down to one thing, it’s movement. To live is to keep moving."
-Jerry Seinfeld

I talk a lot about movement and change in my articles. You probably start to ask when do we ever get to just stop moving. And of course, you can stop. Take a moment to relax and refocus on life and all that is going on around you. What is important to remember is that even as you stand on the side of the road, life keeps moving and changing.

You could think of life as a log of individual movies taking place. Your life is your your movie. It is a movie that others are watching. Things are always happening and the action is sometimes packed with thrills and at other times just quiet.

The movie others see is you standing on the side of the road. Your movie would contain lots of activity swirling around you. I can get on the fast track movement with the best of them, but I like to exist in the 'slow movement' movie of life. I like watching change and the speed of life happening around me.

I can best describe it by something our family dog does. Our small 'Mini Fox Terrier' can get quite excited and just goes on a running tear around the house. At the speed of light, this dog is running every which way at full tilt. If I walk very slow and simply observe her, I see things about how she runs, maintains balance, and fills the space within a matter of seconds.

Think of it as one of those movie scenes where all the people are going real fast, but the main character is moving slow within their midst. I tend to view the world around me like this, observing what others are doing and how I fit or relate to all that is going on. And there are many times that I will sit down on the (figurative) park bench and stop to watch all of it.

You can do the same thing, stop or slow down for a while. As long as you understand the world keeps moving and changing, then you can take a break from it. You will have to jump in and adjust to the differences when you do rejoin the excitement. Or take a slower approach, take a slower course and observe. Remember its your movie and you have the ability to make your life that what you want.

Stay inspired my friends.

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