Monday, August 13, 2012

Rain Falling

"Love is never lost. It will flow back and soften and purify the heart." -Unknown

Many years ago, while still attending high school in Cedar Bluffs, Nebraska, I worked summers for a local farmer. Herb and Mae Ritthaler were their names and along with their sons, had a pretty sizable farming operation. Along with the ground that they owned, I believe he also rented ground, all of which was spread across a two county area. These two people were could be stern and tough, but were also quite wonderful in their kindness.

There were many things I learned during those summers. In addition to the standard farming operation, I was fortunate enough to help in their other operations. They provided custom field spraying with a large three-wheeled sprayer. I got to assist in ways that are hard to explain, but to see one roaring down the field towards you can be a bit unsettling.

The drilling of wells for both farm water and irrigation was a miserable job. My part was to keep the slurry pit open and unclogged. A wet, dirty, back-breaking and miserable job. Yet when we hit water, it was a sight to behold.

Once a well was completed, many would use them for irrigation systems. Those irrigation systems were sold by the Ritthaler family as well. Back in those days, you had to move from tower to tower to adjust the speed. My job of course was to "run" from tower to tower to adjust the speed after the system was installed and final preparation was being made.

As you notice, much of farming requires water. The use of water is not only needed to nourish the thriving crops. Water will also soften the ground, allowing break through for the plant. I remember we would cultivate the soybean fields which would tear out the weeds. This was done to keep those weeds from choking out the crop.

In certain fields during dry conditions, the ground would harden to near cement like consistency. In those fields you had to keep the tractor at a slow speed. If you did not, the tines on the cultivator would break off. The tines are what dig into and break up the ground where the weeds could grow.

When it rained though, the ground would soften and cultivating became much easier. You could move through the fields and clean out the weeds, allowing the crops to flourish. So not only does the rain provide nourishment, it also softens things for break through. It is this softening action that causes me to rejoice in the rain.

So many people associate rain with disappointment and find it depressing. They look to the outdoor picnic ruined by the wet ground. They frown at the lack of sunshine to warm their beach experience. But what they fail to see is that the rain is like love. It should be enjoyed, embraced and rained upon those you love with regularity.

Love Is something that allows you to dance and stomp through mud puddles. Love Is the closeness of walking arm-in-arm under an umbrella with the one you love. Love Is the washing away of hurt and pain of a dry landscape. It softens our hearts and allows us to grow a better life.

Allow the rain to fall upon your life.

Stay inspired my friends.

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